Sunday, January 15, 2012

My days are numbered..

What a pretty weekend..Blue sky complement with cool breeze.. 

And we started the weekend with the visit to Dr. VET.. 

Huh?? Annual booster?? Nope can't feel anything..

Second, Rabies jab.. : Huh!! I don'need a rabies Jab..Oooucchh " 

After all the ouchies and a nice long sunny walk home..the best thing to do is to unwind by the pool .. 

A few drops of water to keep the temperature down.. 

and some beer.. 

and more beer... (note from mom: it's only a teaser.. she didn't have any beer)

And I can only say it's been a brilliant day..If only this can be a daily ritual.. 

Some may already know, I'm counting down my days in Singapore cuz I will be moving back to my mother land this coming Thursday, 19 January 2012. And I just cannot wait to go back to a place with proper space and cousins to play with.. 

Don't get me wrong Singapore.. I love you.. but not as much as I love countries that has more space to run around.. 

P.S: I feel like Moiselle knows that she is moving back to Malaysia and there has been a massive positive change of mood with the girl. She has been very happy and extremely playful since we told her that we will be sending her home first. Sometimes I wonder if she can really understand what we tell her.. 


Two French Bulldogs said...
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Two French Bulldogs said...

Glad everything went ok at the vet and you were very brave. Good luck with your big move
Benny & Lily

sprinkles said...

My boys' vet visit will be coming up shortly.

Sometimes I too wonder if my boys understand what I say.

Have a safe move back to Malaysia.

Lorenza said...

That sure was a good day!
And I am sure you are superduper happy going back to Malaysia.
I wish you a nice and safe trip back!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

koko said...

Selamat pulang, Madame Moiselle!... nice to know you'll be back home soon :)

Licks, hero

The Daily Pip said...

Good luck with your move!

Your pal, Pip

Unknown said...

Welcome home, Zelle!!!

So we can meet up and play together if you live not too far from us.


Maggie Mae and Max said...

OoH Zelle,

I know you will be so happy back in Malaysia. Have a safe trip and let mom and me know dat you gets dere safe and sound. Do you has to go through dat awful quarantine again? I sure hope not.

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

Furry glad to hear things went well at the vet!
The best of luck with your awesome big move :)


Cookie said...

watch all that beer! it will go straight to your hips!

dimas geel said...

haha. a drunk dog will be drunken master.

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