Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Doggie spa

Not sure if any of you have this problem, but I have been having some skin problem for the last 4 months and it is just getting worse..

Mom has been reading on line on the possible condition and possible treatments. So it turns out that, having a salt bath for 10 - 15 minutes is really good for the skin and coat..

My take on the bath?!?!? Read my expression..

Do you guys enjoy your bath?


The Daily Pip said...

I don't like baths at all! I hope your skin problems clear up soon.

Your pal, Pip

Unknown said...

Poor Zelle!

I had some yeast problem a couple of months ago and I had medical baths twice a week. I never liked it at all and I pray very hard that it will never come back to me anymore.


Two French Bulldogs said...

bath? Thats like a swimming pool
Benny & Lily