I was recently awarded with 2 lovely awards from my dearest friend, Hero the Sharpei .. I have to say, I'm very impressed with all the effort he put into writing that particular post. If you have not seen it, I say you quickly check it out!!
He is the loveliest Shah Pei I've ever met..
So the awards are
The friendship award
Thank you award
I say this is one of the most meaningful award to be given to anyone to simply remind them once in awhile how thankful we are to have them in our lives and all the pawsome loves given. I'm sure we love our friends and care for them, but it's always good to show more affection once in awhile..
So, I would like to pass on these awards to
Maggie Mae
Lola and Franklin
Ruthie and Otis
Benny and Lily
Teddy Tales
Mr. Pip
Thanks puppies for making my day so colourful with all your lovely posts..I feel so content for having all of you in my life..
lots of licks