Thursday, June 23, 2011

Mac Out Day

Tick Tock Tick Tock.. When is he leaving to work?? 

And I think the coast is clear now..I finally get to hog the laptop and Ipad for blogville session without any interruption and disturbance.. 

I have to say, it's simply pawsome reading picture blogs on the Ipad!! 

P.s: Mom, you are just not so smart when you have to post this here.. Cuz daddy is gonna know what I did now.. 


verobirdie said...

Lol, I agree, Ipad is very good to read blog pictures :-)
That's what i'm doing behind my boss's back...

Maggie Mae and Max said...


I am back and I has missed you! You looks as beootiful as EVER! Did you see my new profile pic? I luvs "My Mac" too!
Don't worry, I won't tell your dad a thing. ;)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you are soooo smart, a blogging boxer, wow

Mack said...

Zelle -
Oh my goodness -- you are sooo pretty! We saw you over at Lorenza's bloggy and had to come straight over!
Wow, you even know how to use the puter all by your boxerself!??SMART!


Unknown said...

LOL. I wish I had one now!
~ Eva

Anna the GSD said...

Mom has been contemplating the IPad...I may push her towards it so I can hijack it too!

Corbin said...

Hehe, silly dad's trying to ruin all the fun!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Good job Zelle we won't tell your Paw
Benny & Lily

koko said...

Hi Zelle,

Wish my hoomans have one of those great looking gadgets instead of the jurassic junk they are using... it's good to have some privacy for your blogville session without interruption, hope daddy misses this post :)

Licks, hero